Issue #4 edging closer to publication!

All stories and poems for issue #4 of Polar Borealis have been slotted in, plus an editorial and letters of comment. Just ads, promotions, and author bios to write and place. Looks like it will be about 110 pages of material, or slightly less than the previous issue.

The proofing copy will then go out to all the contributors and, of course, the proof reader. Early August publication is looking very doable!

Finished editing issue #4

To be more specific, gone through every story and made changes as needed.

Now in the process of inquiring if my edits acceptable to the authors. If approved, will start sending out contracts and then payments.

Meanwhile I’m placing the stories into the master file. Then I will decide which poems go where, and after that, compose ads for this and that worthy competitor to be placed in whatever space is left. Then I’ll work on the Author bios.

Finally, the whole thing will be sent to my proof reader, Steve Fahnestalk. Once back and final corrections made, I’ll forward the issue to the contributors for their approval.

Then I’ll publish it online for all to see.

When? I’m hoping early August.

Issue #4 set for July publication

Issue #4 (special horror theme issue) will be huge. Features 19 stories and 21 poems.

Am currently compiling contributor info in preparation for sending out contracts. All should receive theirs by the end of June. Will then begin making payments and doing final edit and layout. I anticipate publication last week of July.

Then I will start work on issue #5. Closed for short stories, but still open for poetry submissions. Hope to publish November/December.

Will probably open for short story submissions (for issue #6) in October.


Personal problems including cleaning apt free of bird antigens (I have a fatal allergy to birds and nearly died recently) continue to delay PB activity, but I hope to get back to editing upcoming issue #4 within the week. Hope to start sending out contracts soon. Realistically speaking, publication probably not till July, but hoping for late June.

I have not responded to author inquiries for some time. Nearly dying only one of the problems plaguing me of late. I’ll just say it’s not been a good year so far. Once I’ve reviewed what I accomplished on the issue up to the point where everything in my life fell apart, I’ll start reconnecting with the authors.

Will list definitive choice of short stories and poems within a week, or such is my goal. Due to cost constraints (which have worsened of late) I may have to reduce number of stories & poems to be published in the issue. At any rate, still intend to pay everybody appearing in #4 before publication.

Also intend to get out at least one more issue by the end of the year. Two more if possible. My original intention was to publish at least three issues a year. Still hoping to accomplish this.

Stay tuned.

P.S. Submissions still closed. Maybe reopen before year’s end.

Upcoming issue delayed

Had planned to publish Issue #4 (special horror issue) circa March/April. Severe health crisis combined with apartment renovations (expensive) take both time and money away from PB #4 preparations. Publication may be more like May/June period. Cannot predict at this time. However, definitely intend to publish eventually, preferably sooner than later. Will update as matters develop.

Polar Borealis Presentation at the Creative Ink Festival!

I will be making an hour-long presentation about Polar Borealis Magazine at the upcoming Creative Ink Festival. The Blurb in the program book will read:


“Are you a beginning short story writer struggling to compete with professional authors? Consider Polar Borealis Magazine, a semi-professional paying-market SF&F fiction zine aimed at beginning writers, especially those seeking their first sale. Polar Borealis Editor and Publisher R. Graeme Cameron will explain what he is trying to accomplish and the sort of story he is looking for. He will also reveal how the world’s worst business plan makes it ridiculously easy to publish a magazine. If Graeme can do it, anybody can do it!”

The Creative Ink Festival is a splendid gathering of writers, editors, publishers, and beginning writers eagerly seeking to become published authors.

Takes place Friday March 31st through Sunday April 2nd, 2017, at the Delta Burnaby Hotel and Conference Centre in Burnaby B.C.

For detailed information, check out: