Polar Borealis open to submissions!

POLAR BOREALIS Magazine is open to submissions February 1 to Feb 29, 2020.
– Canadian authors or writers resident in Canada only.
– Open to stories and poems in SF&F & horror genres.
– Primarily interested in SF, but fantasy & horror okay.
– Prefer originals, but reprints okay.
– Up to 2 story submissions okay. Up to 5 poem submissions okay.
– Response first week of March.
– Pays before publication.
– Pays flat rate $10 CAD per poem.
– Pays flat rate $10 CAD 1,000 words or less stories.
– Pays 1 cent per word CAD stories 1,001 to 3,000 words.
– Maximum 3,000 words = $30 CAD.
– Prefer shorter stories, less than 1,500 words.
– Pays flat rate $40 CAD for cover art.
– Buys first publication (or Reprint) English Language World Serial Online (PDF) Internet Rights.
– Publisher & Editor: R. Graeme Cameron.
– See Submission Guidelines, Submission Status, FAQ and Pay Rates for further details.

Issue #13 is now online and available for download!

Polar Borealis Magazine issue #13 is now available for free download!

It contains:

Cover Art by Lily Blaze. Poems by Roxanne Barbour, Catherine Girczyc, Augustus Clark, Lisa Timpf, Melissa Yuan-Innes, Lee F. Patrick, and Alison McBain. Stories by Jon Gauthier, Paul Alex Gray, Darien Yawching Rickwood, Geoffrey Hart, Don Miasek, Gregg Chamberlain, Jonathan Sean Lyster, and Jean-Louis Trudel.

Go to “Current/Back Issues” section and scroll down to click on the appropriate link.

SPECIAL NOTICE: Polar Borealis will be open to submissions during the month of February, 2020!

Go to “Submission Status,” “Submission Guidelines” and the “FAQ” for detailed info.

Issue #12 now online and available for free download!

Polar Borealis Magazine issue #12 is now available for free download!

It contains:

Cover Art by Gareth McGorman. Poems by Roxanne Barbour, Lisa Timpf, J.J. Steinfeld, Lynne Sargent, Augustus Clark, Melissa Yuan-Innes, and Neile Graham. Stories by Eric Chu, Quinlan Moss, Elizabeth Buchan-Kimmerly, Mike McArthur, J. Paul Cooper, Colleen Anderson, and Catherine Girczyc.

Go to “Current/Back Issues” section and scroll down to click on the appropriate link.

SPECIAL NOTICE: Polar Borealis will be open to submissions during the month of February, 2020!

Go to “Submission Status,” “Submission Guidelines” and the “FAQ” for detailed info.

Issue #11 now online and available for free download!

The July/August 2019 issue is now online for your reading pleasure!

It contains:

Cover Art by Eric Chu. Poems by Roxanne Barbour, Lisa Timpf, Augustus Clark, J.J. Steinfeld, Melissa Yuan-Innes, Ivanka Fear, and Robert Runte. Stories by Taral Wayne, Robert Dawson, Nicole Iversen, Lee F. Patrick, Peter J. Foote, Akem, Mark Russell, and Karl Johanson.

Go to Current/Back Issues to check it out!

Issue #10 now online and available for download!

With Cover Art by Michael D. Jackson. Poems by Rhea Rose, Neile Graham, Augustus Clark, Richard Stevenson, Roxanne Barbour, and Colleen Anderson. Stories by Jacinda Sinclair, Ben Stein, Ron Friedman, Lawrence Van Hoof, Matthew Bin, Catherine Girczyc, and Michelle F. Goddard. Article by Robert Runte.

Just go to “Current/Back Issues” and scroll down to the appropriate link.

Submission Period Closed. #10 coming soon!

I was open for submissions throughout the month of April. Very pleased to report I now have enough material for issues #11 to #13, which will carry through to Spring of 2020. I will probably not open to submissions again till late this year, possibly in November.

Meanwhile, Issue #10 is in final proofing stages and I expect to publish online before May is over.

Now Open to Short Story and Poetry Submissions Till the End of April!

Polar Borealis is now open to submissions of short stories and poems in the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres.

Canadian authors or foreign writers resident in Canada only, please. Polar Borealis is focused on providing a market for Canadian writers, especially beginning Canadian writers.

I pay one cent a word CA for stories 3,000 words or less, a flat rate of $10.00 CA for stories 1,000 words or less, and $10 for poems 60 lines or less. Note that I pay before publication.

Check out the submission guidelines to learn more about what I am looking for and how to submit.

I will be open to submissions till Midnight, Tuesday, April 30th (or possibly longer if I don’t get enough material). Everyone should expect a response from me no later than Friday, May 10th (and possibly earlier).

Polar Borealis #8 (December issue) online and available for free download!

Cover art by Lily Author. Poems by Roxanne Barbour, Catherine Girczyc, Rhea Rose, Y.M. Pang, Melissa Yuan-Innes, Casey June Wolf, and Augustus Clark. Stories by Steve Fahnestalk, Sheryl Normandeau, Stewart Graham, Jean-Louis Trudel, Nicholas Stillman, Eddie Generous, David F. Shultz, and Matthew Hughes.

Just go to “Current / Back Issues” to download.