On October 15th, during the 2021 Aurora Awards ceremony hosted by Can*Con, Polar Borealis Magazine, in the category “Best Fan Writing and Publication,” won an Aurora Award for a second year in a row. Huzzah!
My aceptance speech read as follows:
“Wow. I am very pleased to accept this award.
I like to promote and celebrate the talented people who create Canadian Speculative Fiction.
So, you see, this reward isn’t really for me.
It belongs to the imaginative and brilliant creators I publish.
This award is all about celebrating them. They each deserve this award.
But, since it isn’t physically possible to share this award with all the people responsible for my winning it, I’ll just have to display it on my book case at home, on their behalf, of course.
But seriously, this award really does belong to them. From the bottom of my heart, I thank everybody who voted… for them.
So, cheers! I’m happy. I be very happy.”