Short stories: $10 for one thousand words or less. One cent a word for stories 1,000 words to 3,000 words in length. Not interested in any story over three thousand words. Can fudge a bit, say 3,126 words for example, but the maximum I will pay is $30.
Poem (regardless of length–maximum 60 lines): $10
Cover art (colour or B&W): $40.
Quick note on Fiction Pay Rate:
Duotrope lists my poetry rate as semi-professional because $10 CA exceeds $5 minimum US.
However, Duotrope lists my fiction rate as “Token Payment” because I pay less than 1 cent a word US. True. But I pay 1 cent a word in Canadian funds, and publish only Canadian authors, so the 1 cent a word does indeed = 1 cent, just not in American funds. So, speaking for myself, I still regard Polar Borealis as semi-professional, at least within a Canadian context.
Apart from my delusional thinking, please understand that a “Token Payment” sale (by American calculation) is still a legitimate and genuine sale, albeit not up to SFWA standards.
I highly recommend Duotrope as a superb listing service of potential markets for writers. As a publisher, I’ve found them lightning fast in responding to update information. You can’t go wrong with Duotrope.
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