Personal problems including cleaning apt free of bird antigens (I have a fatal allergy to birds and nearly died recently) continue to delay PB activity, but I hope to get back to editing upcoming issue #4 within the week. Hope to start sending out contracts soon. Realistically speaking, publication probably not till July, but hoping for late June.

I have not responded to author inquiries for some time. Nearly dying only one of the problems plaguing me of late. I’ll just say it’s not been a good year so far. Once I’ve reviewed what I accomplished on the issue up to the point where everything in my life fell apart, I’ll start reconnecting with the authors.

Will list definitive choice of short stories and poems within a week, or such is my goal. Due to cost constraints (which have worsened of late) I may have to reduce number of stories & poems to be published in the issue. At any rate, still intend to pay everybody appearing in #4 before publication.

Also intend to get out at least one more issue by the end of the year. Two more if possible. My original intention was to publish at least three issues a year. Still hoping to accomplish this.

Stay tuned.

P.S. Submissions still closed. Maybe reopen before year’s end.

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